вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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IMG_3397.jpg picture by twice_blessed_swee
"Hmm, Iapos;m 11 months old already?"

In another monthapos;s time, my little one will be one
Time passes so fast It seems just yesterday when we arrived in Yangon with Jon in utero....
At 11 months old :
- He can crawl really fast and well
- He can pull to stand and cruise around with support
- He calls apos;Ma-Maapos; when he wants me to carry him. He loves to pull my legs and call me with that super cute face and I will usually end up carrying him.
- He still nurses three times a day (more when heapos;s unwell) (Yes, I am still nursing:))
- He loves to eat. Anything.
- He snatches food from�Ethan.
- He loves bread, rice, biscuits, fish, ice-cream and lots more
- He loves to play with�Daddy and Ethan
- He chases Ethan around in his walker
- He loves to play with�DVDs and CDs (spoiling one of Daddyapos;s favourite Don�Moen recently)
-�He loves to go for walks. In fact when you tell him you are bringing him for a walk, he stops crying
-�He goes straight for the door when its open
- He hunts near dustbin, floor and carpet�for any leftover�food, loves eating tissue paper
- He claps hands when he hears music. (heapos;s more audio kind of guy compared to his brother.)
- He is a screamer especially when heapos;s excited
- He has finally cut A�TOOTH. Yeah One tooth at the bottom....

We used to wonder how we will manage with two kids. How we will be able to love both and split time between the two of them. Now that we have Jon, we cant imagine life without him. We are a family of four...it just feels weird not having him around.

Thank you God for blessing us with Jonathan
May You continue to bless him with good health, Your protection on him, that he may grow to know and love You, that he will be joyful and wise and kind....

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Barbara Walters is coming to a radio near you, but only if you subscribe to Sirius Satellite Radio.� Barbara Walters' interviews will be featured in an exclusive
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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So my parents went to Virginia for vacation. Much to my dismay but also to my off comfort. Iapos;m not sure why it made me feel comfortable but it does. Iapos;ve been hopped up on codeine cough syrup, sinus allergy medication, and alive gel caps. Thatapos;s on top of my normal meds. So thatapos;s about 7 pills puls the syrup. Though Iapos;m not taking the cough syrup anymore. Donapos;t want to get addicted, especially to someone elseapos;s cough medication. I know, Iapos;m breaking the law but you cough so hard you get blood and then come talk to me about it.

Despite being sick, Iapos;m ok. Iapos;m not coughing much anymore but I canapos;t seem to keep warm. So I think itapos;s a cold. No cold sweats or anything just consistant coldness. Itapos;s been going on since Wednesday night. Hopefully itapos;ll be over before a full week.

The bad thing about my parents being out of town is that I canapos;t go out of town for the night. But itapos;s ok, I saw him not too long ago. And Iapos;m not jonesapos;in for another hit of that sweet sweet ass. Iapos;m not some junkie you know. I can quit anytime *hides condoms* Anytime You just wait and see. But I am happy for my parents to get back so I can go spend a little time with my friend. Itapos;s best I donapos;t see him now because Iapos;m sick. I wouldnapos;t want to get him sick. I hope heapos;s not sick when my parents get back... Cause that would suck teh b1g 0ne.

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So it sounds like weapos;ll be going to the Barn Party after all.�� We first learned last Sabbath that Geigers were planning to hold it during the Feast this year instead of after.� Sure, it might be too cold after the Feast, but having it during the Feast is just dumb.

Yes, I�think having it during the Feast is really messed up, but if everyone else is going, I�guess that means us, too.� Cory will want to be with his friends.� It just seems like a major waste of time to drive 45 minutes or so to go hang out at the barn when we have a perfectly good hotel/resort right here, and weapos;re already together.� Not that we had any major plans to do anything today, but still it does seem like a major waste.� Also, I have nothing to take because Iapos;m not home and I canapos;t cook anything.� They did announce today that they will be having hamburgers and hot dogs instead of chili - so that helps, but still I have no clue what else to take - the bag of chips we have on top of the fridge?� We do have to plan to stop at home first, so I might find something there I can grab.� Iapos;m eating before I go anyway, because Iapos;m always starving after church.

The Barn Party has always been 2 weeks after the Feast, so it was kind of special.� It was nice to be able to tell people goodbye after the Feast and know youapos;d see them again in a couple weeks.�� It used to be a highlight of the year, but now itapos;s just kind of apos;been there, done thatapos; nothing exciting.� As a separate event, itapos;s OK - as a time-out from the Feast, not so cool.

The kids will probably be up even later tonight, since they have to spend the drive time apart and theyapos;ll have to make up for that.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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i have a few fanfic ideas and a few orignal story ideas i have been researching about.

akuroku-Axel sucks at life, falls to heavy drugs, overdoses on cocaine, dies, roxasapos;s life goes to hell and he starts losing his mind and fun stuff like that.
Finding cocaine overdose thing are complicated. I already have a list of mental traumas and disorders to give them both(im good at finding those) but real cocaine od descriptions are a bitch. I have the basics, like medically wise, but not mental,ie:apos;the bugs/coke bugsapos; those things.


akuroku, and an original(bXb)- Stockholm syndrome. The end. Yes i can write two diff stories on those topics. Already started the original, and am working on it.

original(bXb) and some kh pairing- bulimia and annorexia.

not sure yet- cotton candy, and kittens, and robots, and gay things.

original.-lesbians, the end.

but yeah most are easy, except the fucking cocaine overdose, fucking docters.

yes i know im obsessed with kh, writing out a story in fanfic helps me plot out the idea for an original story, except the stockholm one but meh, ohohoh yes most ideas are dark, i want them to be.

mmmm yups those are story things.

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Xenosaga officially confuses the hell out of me. Not that it didnapos;t before, but...yeah.

Anyway, considering Iapos;m not even done with the first episode yet, I have a feeling itapos;s going to get much, much worse before it gets better. That both terrifies and excites me...

So anyway, my experiences thus far:

Purple bird man - I knew you were Virgil before you even spoke. While pleased that my often faulty intuition was right for once, I am confused. How? Why? What the fuck?

Iapos;m glad youapos;re back, but do you have any idea how confusing this makes things?

Also: My head was just about spinning around Exorcist style when Mysterious Voice Guy� said your name. When your bird face went bye-bye, it pretty much popped off.

I�iz happy u b back.

Albedo, Rubedo, Other-do - It almost makes sense, but not really. Elaoborate Namco. Please.

Ziggy - Your getting the shaft story-wise, arenapos;t you? Hopefully, this shall be rectified in the future. It goeas without saying that I�shall be very put out if it doesnapos;t.

Mizrahi - All of them. What? Now, Namco.

Everything else I forgot - A big nan da? in your direction.

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Okay. Iapos;d like some honest to goodness opinions on Hemingway. Iapos;ve heard various responses from people about him, and I know that I wonapos;t be able to form my own opinion until I read some Hemingway on my own (which I am. This weekend Iapos;m going to find a copy of Old Man and the Sea), but there are of lot of readers on my FList whose opinions I really respect, so.... Have any of you read Hemingway yet?

Victorian Gothic seminar in the morning. Whose totally jazzed??? I am.

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